Pay once, use Araxis Merge forever

One perpetual licence covers both Windows and macOS

Standard Edition

$129 USD

Every feature except for three-way comparison/merging and related capabilities. Perfect for most individuals.

  • One year of support and upgrades included
  • After the first year, upgrade and support entitlement optionally renewable for $29/year
  • Compare and merge text files, images, and binary files
  • Compare and synchronize folders
  • Compare text content from PDFs and office documents
  • Split-view file and folder comparison

Professional Edition

Most popular

Every feature, including three-way comparison/merging and related capabilities. Ideal for teams and software developers.

  • One year of support and upgrades included
  • After the first year, upgrade and support entitlement optionally renewable for $49/year
  • All the features of the Standard Edition
  • Three-way file/folder comparison and merging
  • Compare two files and folders against a third, common ancestor
  • Use with Git to merge your changes and another team member’s with a common ancestor
  • Automatic merge to common ancestor

Araxis Merge can also be purchased through our reseller network. For site or enterprise licences, contact Araxis.

Araxis offers an 85% educational discount and no-cost licences for contributors to Open Source projects.

Existing customer?

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