Araxis offers:
- Quantity discounts on select products. See pricing.
- A discount of approximately 85% from our published single-user pricing to qualified students and educational institutions. See terms and conditions.
- No-cost licences and upgrades of its products to bona fide contributors to Open Source projects. See terms and conditions.
Araxis reserves the right to withdraw or modify its discount schemes without notice.
Terms and conditions for educational discounts
- Educational discounts are available solely by contacting Araxis.
- You will need to prove that you are qualified for the discount.
- Discounts are provided both on new licence sales and for support renewals after the first year, provided that you continue to qualify.
- A limit of one licence per individual in their lifetime is the standard policy. Educational institutions may purchase multiple licences.
- Educational discounts cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
Who qualifies?
- Education Providers;
- Full or part-time students enrolled with an Education Provider;
- Full or part-time faculty and staff employed by Education Providers;
- Students enrolled at primary or secondary school providing full-time instruction; and
- Home-school students.
What is an Education Provider?
The definition of Education Provider includes, but is not limited to:
- Public or private primary, secondary or higher education school providing full-time instruction. This includes nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, grammar schools, schools for people with disabilities, seminaries, teacher training colleges, technical colleges, further education colleges, research institutes, adult education centers, and state run or state-subsidized facilities for the re-training of the unemployed;
- Administrative Offices or Boards of Education of Education Providers (for their own use);
- Home schools;
- Government schools;
- Hospitals that are wholly owned and operated by an Education Provider;
- Libraries;
- Museums;
- Education research laboratories that are a recognized public establishment and that teach students as part of their research mission;
- Other Education Providers approved by Araxis.
The following institutions or organizations do not qualify:
- Hospitals not wholly owned and operated by an Education Provider;
- Religious organizations that are neither schools nor seminaries;
- Charities and non-profit organizations that are not Education Providers;
- Other non-qualified examples at Araxis’ sole discretion.
Proof of entitlement for students
Acceptable proofs of enrolment or identification for students are:
- Email address at an academic institution;
- Student id with name, date and photo;
- Other form of id with corroborating evidence of current enrolment. For example:
- Official, current non-photo student id with name and date;
- Official, current school transcript indicating name of school and student;
- Official, current school tuition bill indicating name of school and student;
- Official, current report card indicating name of school and student;
- Other official dated proof of enrolment.
If the student is under the age of 18 and does not have an academic email address or valid, current student id with photo or a credit card, the person purchasing the product for the student must provide a valid, current photo id and corroborating evidence of student’s eligibility:
- Official, current non-photo student id with name and date;
- Official, current school transcript indicating name of school and student;
- Official, current school tuition bill indicating name of school and student;
- Official, current report card indicating name of school and student;
- For home-school students, an affirmation by the parent that the child is being home-schooled.
Proof of entitlement for teaching staff
Acceptable proofs of enrolment or identification for teaching staff are:
- Email address at an academic institution;
- Valid photo id and corroborating evidence of employment at a qualified institution. For example:
- Official, current institution pay cheque stub;
- Official letter on school letterhead verifying person’s employment.
Terms and conditions for free (no-cost) licences for open source contributors
These licences are provided to specific individuals under the usual terms of our EULA and may not be transferred to another party. However, they are not otherwise restricted. For example, they may be used in a commercial setting.
Who qualifies?
Any individual who can provide publicly accessibly evidence that they have contributed in a meaningful way to an Open Source project within the last three years qualifies. Suitable evidence may include:
- The project’s official website or release notes mentioning you as a current or recent contributor;
- A changeset on the project’s publicly available source code repository that was authored or committed by you;
- Your being listed as an author of the project’s documentation.
Please contact Araxis with a link to the evidence showing that you are an Open Source contributor. Don’t forget to tell us which product or products you’d like.
This offer is limited to one licence of each product per person. Araxis reserves the right to grant or refuse licences at its discretion.