Integrating with Source Control, Configuration Management, and Other Applications

Merge for macOS integrates with most version control (VC), software configuration management (SCM) and other applications that allow a third-party file comparison (diff) or file merging tool to be specified. This topic contains instructions for integrating Merge with the following applications:

Information Integration with many SCM systems requires the Professional Edition of Merge to enable the comparison of two modified versions of a file with their common ancestor.

Other applications

If your chosen application isn’t listed in this topic, you may find the information for integrating Merge for Windows with other applications to be a helpful starting point. You may also be able to integrate Merge with another application yourself, using the Merge AppleScript API or command-line utility.

If you have instructions for integrating Merge with other systems, or corrections to the information presented below, please contact us to let us know so that we can update this list.

Android Studio

Android Studio can be configured to use Merge for file and folder comparisons, and also for file merging. The instructions below have been tested with version 2021.3.1 of Android Studio.

To configure Android Studio to use Merge as the file and folder comparison tool:
  1. Choose Android StudioPreferences….

  2. In the Preferences window that appears, select ToolsDiff & MergeExternal Diff Tools from the list on the left-hand side.

  3. Check the Enable external diff tool checkbox and configure the following:

    Path to executable: /Applications/Araxis
    Parameters: -3 -a3 %1 %2 %3

  4. Check the Use by default checkbox.

  5. Click the Test Diff button. An Araxis Merge window should appear with a 2-way comparison. Close the comparison.

  6. Click the Test Three-Side Diff button. An Araxis Merge window should appear with a 3-way comparison. Close the comparison.

To configure the Android Studio to use Merge as the merging tool:
  1. Choose Android StudioPreferences….

  2. In the Preferences window that appears, select ToolsDiff & MergeExternal Diff Tools from the list on the left-hand side.

  3. Check the Enable external merge tool checkbox and configure the following:

    Path to executable: /Applications/Araxis
    Parameters: -3 -a2 -title1:Theirs -title2:Ancestor -title3:Yours %2 %3 %1 %4

  4. Ensure that the Trust process exit code checkbox is unchecked. The exit code from compare does not indicate whether the output file has been updated.

  5. Click the Test Merge button. A Merge window should appear with a 3-way comparison. Close the comparison.

  6. In the Merge In External Tool dialog, click the Mark as Resolved button.

  7. In the Test Complete dialog, click the OK button.

Information If Araxis Merge is used to make changes to a file that Android Studio has stored in memory, perhaps following a merge operation, Android Studio may ask whether you wish to keep the file it has in memory or update it with the contents of the modified file on disk. It is most likely you will want to load changes from disk following a merging operation.


The AccuRev macOS client can be configured to use Araxis Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

These steps are believed to work with AccuRev 5.2.

To configure the AccuRev client to use Merge for file comparison:
  • In the AccuRev client, choose Preferences… from the Tools menu.

  • Select the Diff/Merge tab.

  • In the Diff entry field, enter the following:

    /Applications/Araxis -wait -2 %1% %2%
  • Close the Preferences window.

To configure the AccuRev client to use Merge for file merging:
  • The Araxis Merge compare utility cannot be used directly for file merging by the AccuRev client, which passes quoted filenames and expects a particular return code on success. To work around this, create a file in /usr/local/bin/ (or another location of your choosing) with the following content:

    eval "$*"
    if [ "$?" = "-1" ]; then
      exit 1
    exit 0
  • Make the script executable. For example, run the following command in the macOS Terminal (replacing /usr/local/bin with the full path to the shim file as necessary):

    chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/
  • In the AccuRev client, choose Preferences… from the Tools menu.

  • Select the Diff/Merge tab.

  • In the Merge entry field, enter the following:

    /usr/local/bin/ /Applications/Araxis -wait -a3 -3 %1% %2% %a% %o%

    Note: If necessary, replace the instance of /usr/local/bin/ with the full path to the script.

  • Close the Preferences window.


Zennaware Cornerstone is a Subversion client that has built-in support for Merge. The following instructions have been tested with Cornerstone v2.7.9.

To configure Cornerstone to use Merge:
  • Choose CornerstonePreferences…
  • Select the General category.
  • Click the External compare tool drop-down field and choose Araxis Merge.
  • Click the External merge tool drop-down field and choose Araxis Merge.
  • Close the Preferences window.


Adobe (Macromedia) Dreamweaver CS6 integrates with Araxis Merge and can launch a two-way file comparison. Consequently, the Standard Edition of Merge is sufficient if you will be using it only with Dreamweaver.

The following instructions have been tested with Dreamweaver CS6 v12.0.

To configure Dreamweaver CS6 to use Merge as the file comparison tool:
  • Choose DreamweaverPreferences…

  • Select the File Compare category.

  • In the Choose application to compare files field, enter the following:

  • Click OK to dismiss the Preferences dialog.


For Eclipse, see the entry for Subclipse.


Merge integrates tightly with Git. Araxis provides a Git File-System Plugin to enable Merge to access files in Git depots directly. For file comparisons (but not folder comparisons), Merge is also able to populate the Versions button drop-down versions menu with other revisions of each file being compared. For more information, see Comparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text).

Git can also be configured to use Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

The following configuration steps have been tested with Git v2.24.0.

To use Araxis Merge for file comparison and file merging:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Update the Git configuration file by adding the following diff and merge tool configurations:

    tool = araxis
    tool = araxis
    ad = difftool --tool=araxis --dir-diff
    ads = difftool --tool=araxis --dir-diff --staged
  • To compare files, use the git difftool command. The --dir-diff option can be provided, in which case a folder comparison will be opened showing all the changed files.

    The git ad (short for Araxis diff) and ads (Araxis diff stage) aliases defined above provide convenient shortcuts to invoke Merge via the git difftool command. See Examples of using the git ad and ads aliases for usage.

  • To resolve conflicting changes after merging files from a branch or remote repository, use the git mergetool command.

    When Merge is opened via git mergetool, the files being compared are automatically merged as described in the Automatic File Merging topic. Changes that overlap or touch at their start or end are marked as conflicts. A red conflict icon is shown at the beginning of each line within a change that could not be automatically merged.

    If you wish to see the files as they were prior to the automatic merge, simply click Undo or press Cmd+Z.

Examples of using the git ad and ads aliases:

The git difftool command is a frontend to git diff and thus accepts git diff options and arguments. As the Git ad and ads aliases defined in the above configuration are simply shortcuts for invoking git difftool, this means that you can in general pass git diff arguments to git ad and git ads. The examples below show some possibilities, but are by no means exhaustive.

The documentation on specifying Git revisions and ranges may also be helpful when considering how best to invoke git ad.

  • Launch a two-way folder comparison to show all the unstaged changes within the current working tree:

    git ad
  • Launch a two-way folder comparison to show all the staged changes within the current index (staging area):

    git ads
  • Launch a two-way folder comparison showing the changes to a modified file myfile.c:

    git ad myfile.c
  • Launch a two-way folder comparison of commits 11a783 and c2061b of myfile.c:

    git ad 11a783..c2061b myfile.c
  • Launch a two-way folder comparison to show all the changes applied by the commit with hash c2061b:

    git ad c2061b^!

    Information If you are using zsh as your shell and have the EXTENDEDGLOB option set, you will need to escape the ^:

    git ad c2061b\^!
  • Launch a two-way folder comparison to show all the changes between the master and bugfix branches:

    git ad master..bugfix

JetBrains Aqua, AppCode, CLion, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, IntelliJ IDEA, MPS, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, and WebStorm

JetBrains Aqua, AppCode, CLion, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, IntelliJ IDEA, MPS, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, and WebStorm can be configured to use Merge for file and folder comparisons, and also for file merging. The instructions below have been tested with versions 2022.2 and 2022.3 of these JetBrains IDEs.

To configure these JetBrains IDEs to use Merge as the file and folder comparison tool:
  1. From the application menu, choose Preferences… (2022.2 and earlier) or Settings… (2022.3 and later).

  2. In the Preferences or Settings window that appears, select ToolsDiff & MergeExternal Diff Tools from the list on the left-hand side.

  3. Check the Enable external tools checkbox.

  4. Under Configure external tools, click the + button.

  5. In the Add An External Tool window, configure the following:

    Tool group: Diff tool
    Program path: /Applications/Araxis
    Tool name: Araxis Merge
    Argument pattern: -3 -a3 %1 %2 %3

  6. Click the Test Diff button. An Araxis Merge window should appear with a 2-way comparison. Close the comparison.

  7. Click the Test Three-Side Diff button. An Araxis Merge window should appear with a 3-way comparison. Close the comparison.

  8. In the Configure external diff/merge tools associated with a file type table, in the Default row, select Araxis Merge as the diff tool.

To configure these JetBrains IDEs to use Merge as the merging tool:
  1. From the application menu, choose Preferences… (2022.2 and earlier) or Settings… (2022.3 and later).

  2. In the Preferences or Settings window that appears, select ToolsDiff & MergeExternal Diff Tools from the list on the left-hand side.

  3. Check the Enable external tools checkbox.

  4. Under Configure external tools, click the + button.

  5. In the Add An External Tool window, configure the following:

    Tool group: Merge tool
    Program path: /Applications/Araxis
    Tool name: Araxis Merge
    Argument pattern: -3 -a2 -title1:Theirs -title2:Ancestor -title3:Yours %2 %3 %1 %4

  6. Ensure that the Trust process exit code checkbox is unchecked. The exit code from compare does not indicate whether the output file has been updated.

  7. Click the Test Merge button. A Merge window should appear with a 3-way comparison. Close the comparison.

  8. In the Merge In External Tool dialog, click the Mark as Resolved button.

  9. In the Test Complete dialog, click the OK button.

  10. In the Add An External Tool window, click the OK button.

  11. In the Configure external diff/merge tools associated with a file type: table, in the Default row, select Araxis Merge as the merge tool.

Information If Araxis Merge is used to make changes to a file that a JetBrains IDE has stored in memory, perhaps following a merge operation, a JetBrains IDE may ask whether you wish to keep the file it has in memory or update it with the contents of the modified file on disk. It is most likely you will want to load changes from disk following a merging operation.


MacHg is a fully featured free Mercurial client for macOS. MacHg provides built-in support for Araxis Merge.

The following instructions have been tested with MacHg v0.9.25.

To configure MacHg to use Merge:
  • Open the MacHg Preferences window.
  • Select the Mercurial page.
  • In the Merge and Diff Tool section, choose AraxisMerge for both the For Diffs use and For Merges use fields.


Merge integrates tightly with Mercurial. Araxis provides a Mercurial File-System Plugin to enable Merge to access files in Mercurial depots directly. Merge is also able to populate the Versions button drop-down versions menu with other revisions of each file being compared. For more information, see Comparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text).

Mercurial can also be configured to use Merge for file/folder comparison and file merge operations. The comparison integration uses the Extdiff extension, which is supplied with Mercurial.

The following instructions have been tested with Mercurial v1.8.4.

To configure Mercurial to use Araxis Merge for file merging:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Update the appropriate Mercurial configuration file to add the following merge tool configuration:

    araxismergetool.premerge = False
    araxismergetool.args = $other $base $local $output
    araxismergetool.executable = /Applications/Araxis
    araxismergetool.checkconflict = True
    araxismergetool.binary = True
    araxismergetool.gui = True
To configure Mercurial to use Araxis Merge for file comparison:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Update the appropriate Mercurial configuration file to create a new hg sub-command, arxdiff:

    extdiff =
    cmd.arxdiff = /Applications/Araxis
    opts.arxdiff = -wait -title1:$plabel1 -title2:$clabel -2 $parent $child

    The -wait argument to the compare utility is required to enable file comparisons to be recompared as a different type (text, binary or image) from within Merge and, in the case when Mercurial launches a folder comparison, to enable file comparisons to be launched from that folder comparison.

Examples of using hg arxdiff:
  • Launch a two-way file comparison showing the changes to a modified file myfile.c:

    hg arxdiff myfile.c
  • Launch a two-way file comparison of revisions 1 and 2 of myfile.c:

    hg arxdiff -r1 -r2 myfile.c
  • Launch a two-way file or folder comparison (as appropriate, depending upon the number of files modified) to show all the changes within the current working directory:

    hg arxdiff
  • Launch a two-way file or folder comparison (as appropriate, depending upon the number of files modified) to show all the changes applied by the changeset with id 0bc544fad9e6:

    hg arxdiff -c 0bc544fad9e6

Path Finder

Path Finder can be configured to use Araxis Merge for file comparison. Allowing the launching of Merge from Path Finder’s Compare… context menu when two files are selected.

The following instructions have been tested with Path Finder 7.

To configure Path Finder to use Merge for file comparison:
  • In Path Finder, choose Preferences… from the Path Finder menu.

  • Select the Features tab.

  • Select the File Comparison item.

  • Click the Select tool… button.

  • Navigate to and select:

  • Click the Choose tool button.

  • Close the Preferences window.


Merge integrates tightly with Perforce.

To browse Perforce repositories directly from Merge (deprecated):
To configure P4V (2007.2 release or later) to use Merge for file comparison and merging:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Choose Preferences… from the P4V menu.

  • Select the Diff tab.

  • Select the Other application radio button (or Use external application in older versions of P4V).

  • For the Location field, enter the following:

  • Ensure that the Arguments field reads %1 %2. This step can be ignored for older versions of P4V, which do not have this field.

  • Select the Merge tab.

  • Select the Other application radio button (or Use external application in older versions of P4V).

  • For the Location field, enter the following:

  • Ensure that the Arguments field reads %b %1 %2 %r. This step can be ignored for older versions of P4V, which do not have this field.

  • Click the OK button to dismiss the Preferences dialog.

  • P4V should now open Merge for its comparison and interactive merging operations.

To configure the Perforce command-line tool (p4) to use Merge:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Set the P4DIFF environment variable to the full path of the araxisp4diff utility. Also, set the P4MERGE environment variable to the full path to araxisp4winmrg.

    Add the following to your .bash_profile:

    export P4DIFF='/Applications/Araxis\'
    export P4MERGE='/Applications/Araxis\'
  • When you open a new command shell, Merge should now be invoked as appropriate by the Perforce command-line tools. For example,

    p4 diff -t

    will open up a two-way comparison for each of the files that you have opened for edit (including any binary or image files) in your default changelist.


SmartGit/Hg can be configured to use Araxis Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

To configure SmartGit/Hg to use Araxis Merge for file comparison:
  • Choose Preferences… from the SmartGit/Hg menu.

  • Expand Tools in the tree on the left.

  • Select Diff Tools in the tree on the left.

  • Select the * pattern in the table and click the Edit… button.

  • Select the External diff tool radio button.

  • In the Command entry field, enter the following:

  • In the Arguments entry field, enter the following:

    -wait -title1:"Repo version" "${leftFile}" "${rightFile}"
  • Click OK to apply the changes and exit the Edit dialog.

To configure SmartGit/Hg to use Araxis Merge for file merging:
  • Choose Preferences… from the SmartGit/Hg menu.

  • Expand Tools in the tree on the left.

  • Select Conflict Solver in the tree on the left.

  • Select the External Conflict Solver radio button.

  • In the Command entry field, enter the following:

  • In the Arguments entry field, enter the following:

    -3 -wait -a2 -title1:"Yours" -title2:"Common ancestor" -title3:"Theirs" "${leftFile}" "${baseFile}" "${rightFile}" "${mergedFile}"
  • Click OK to apply the changes and exit the Preferences dialog.


SmartSVN and SmartCVS clients can be configured to use Araxis Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

Note that the ability to use an external tool for solving conflicts is not available in the Foundation version of SmartCVS.

The following instructions have been tested with SmartSVN v7.5.4.

To configure SmartSVN/SmartCVS to use Araxis Merge for file comparison:
  • Choose Preferences… from the SmartSVN or SmartCVS menu.

  • Select File Compare in the tree on the left (File Comparators in SmartCVS).

  • Select the * pattern in the table and click the Edit… button.

  • Select the External Comparator radio button.

  • In the Command entry field, enter the following:

  • In the Arguments entry field, enter the following:

    -wait -2 "${leftFile}" "${rightFile}
  • Click OK to apply the changes and exit the Edit dialog.

To configure SmartSVN/SmartCVS to use Araxis Merge for file merging:
  • Choose Preferences… from the SmartSVN or SmartCVS menu.

  • Select Conflict Solver under Actions in the tree on the left.

  • Select the External Conflict Solver radio button.

  • In the Command entry field, enter the following:

  • In the Arguments entry field, enter the following:

    -3 -wait -a3 "${leftFile}" "${rightFile}" "${baseFile}" "${mergedFile}"

    Note: The "${baseFile}" template is not required when using SmartCVS.

  • Click OK to apply the changes and exit the Preferences dialog.


Atlassian SourceTree is a client for Git and Mercurial. The following instructions have been tested with SourceTree v1.6.0.

To configure SourceTree to use Merge for comparing files:
  • Open the SourceTree Preferences dialog and choose the Diff tab.

  • Select Araxis Merge as the Visual Diff Tool.

To configure SourceTree to use Merge for merging files:
  • Open the SourceTree Preferences dialog and choose the Diff tab.

  • Select Araxis Merge as the Merge Tool.


Subclipse is an Eclipse plugin providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. It can be configured to use Merge as its merging tool. Merge will then be used whenever you choose Edit Conflicts from a Team menu in Eclipse.

Merge can also integrate directly with Subversion. Please see Subversion section for more information.

The following steps have been tested with Subclipse v1.8.18, Eclipse v4.2.1 and Subversion v1.6.18

To configure Merge as the Subclipse file merging tool:
  • Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install topic.

  • Unfortunately, the compare utility cannot be used directly to launch Merge, since Subclipse does not appropriately divide the user-specified list of external conflict program parameters. It is therefore necessary to create a shell script that will divide the list of parameters appropriately.

    Create a file /usr/local/bin/ with the following content:

    eval "$*"
  • In the Eclipse Preferences window, select the TeamSVNDiff/Merge page.

  • Select the External radio button.

  • In the adjacent entry field, enter the following:

  • In the Parameters field, enter the following:

    /usr/local/bin/ /Applications/Araxis\ -wait -merge -a1 -3 -title1:"Common Ancestor" -title2:"Theirs" -title3:"Yours" "${base}" "${theirs}" "${yours}" "${merged}"
  • Click the Apply button.


Merge integrates well with Subversion. Araxis provides a Subversion File-System Plugin to enable Merge to browse Subversion repositories directly. This means that, for example, you can compare branches of source code directly within a repository without syncing them to the client workspace. Merge is also able to populate the Versions button drop-down versions menu with other revisions of each file being compared. For more information, see Comparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text).

See also the entries for Subversive, svnX and Subclipse.

To browse Subversion repositories directly from Merge:
To configure the Subversion command-line tool (svn) to use Merge:

The following instructions have been tested with Subversion v1.6.18 and v1.7.8.

  • Open your ‘SVN configuration area’ configuration file in a text editor. The default location for this file is ~/.subversion.

  • Uncomment the line that specifies the diff-cmd and set its value to the path of the Merge araxissvndiff executable that you have installed on your machine:

    diff-cmd = /Applications/Araxis
  • The Subversion command-line client versions 1.5 and later can be configured to merge non-conflicting changes automatically, but to launch Merge interactively to resolve conflicting changes.

    If you wish to have Subversion merge non-conflicting changes itself, and use Merge only for conflicting changes, add a merge-tool-cmd line to set the path of the Merge araxissvnmerge executable:

    merge-tool-cmd = /Applications/Araxis

    The merge-tool-cmd option is ignored when the value of the diff3-cmd option is defined. Ensure that the value of the diff3-cmd option has not been defined.

  • Alternatively, if you would rather use Merge to resolve all changes, you can define the diff3-cmd configuration option instead of merge-tool-cmd. (Note that diff3-cmd is the only option for Subversion versions prior to v1.5.)

    If defined, diff3-cmd should be set to the path of the Merge araxissvndiff3 command-line utility:

    diff3-cmd = /Applications/Araxis
  • Save the modified configuration file and exit the text editor.

  • Merge will now be launched when performing Subversion commands (e.g. svn diff, svn update and svn merge) that require a two or three-way comparison.


Subversive, the official Eclipse plugin can be configured to use Merge as its merging tool. It provides support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Merge will then be used for file comparisons, and for merging whenever you choose Edit Conflicts from a Team menu in Eclipse.

Merge can also integrate directly with Subversion. Please see Subversion section for more information.

The following steps have been tested with Subversive v1.0.0, Eclipse v4.2.1 and Subversion v1.6.18

To configure Merge as the Subversive file comparison and merging tool:
  • Unfortunately, the compare utility cannot be used directly to launch Merge, since Subversive does not divide the user-specified lists of program arguments appropriately. It is therefore necessary to create a shell script to do this.

    Create a new shell script /usr/local/bin/ with the following content:

    eval "$*"
  • To configure Subversive to use an external tool for file comparisons, the user specifies the location of the tool and a list of arguments that are to be sent to it. When configuring this list of arguments, the tokens ${mine}, ${base} and ${theirs} are used to represent the location of the files to be compared. When a file comparison is invoked, tokens in the list of arguments are replaced with paths to the files to be compared. Unfortunately, Subversive is inconsistent in which tokens it replaces with paths, depending on how the file comparison is invoked in Eclipse. The remote file is sometimes passed using ${base} and at other times ${theirs}. Fortunately, when ${base} is used, ${theirs} is replaced with no text, and it is therefore possible to create a script that will launch Merge using the paths from ${mine} and ${theirs}, unless ${theirs} is empty text, in which case the paths in ${mine} and ${base} are compared instead.

    Create a file /usr/local/bin/araxissubversivediff.osa with the following content:

    on run args
      tell application "Araxis Merge"
        set _left to (POSIX path of ((item 1 of args as POSIX file) as alias))
        if not item 2 of args equals ""
          set _right to (POSIX path of ((item 2 of args as POSIX file) as alias))
          set _right to (POSIX path of ((item 3 of args as POSIX file) as alias))
        end if
        set _document to compare {_left, _right}
        tell _document
        end tell
          repeat while exists _document
            delay 1
          end repeat
        on error
        end try
      end tell
    end run
  • In the Eclipse Preferences window, select the TeamSVNDiff Viewer page.

  • Click the Add… button.

  • In the Extension or mime-type field, enter the following:

  • Within the Diff program arguments box, enter the following into the Program Path field:

  • In the larger field beneath, enter the following:

    /usr/local/bin/ /usr/bin/osascript /usr/local/bin/araxissubversivediff.osa "${mine}" "${theirs}" "${base}"
  • Within the Merge program arguments box, enter the following into the Program Path field:

  • In the larger field beneath, enter the following:

    /usr/local/bin/ /Applications/Araxis\ -wait -merge -a1 -3 -title1:"Common Ancestor" -title2:"Yours" -title3:"Theirs" "${base}" "${mine}" "${theirs}" "${merged}"
  • Click the OK button.

  • Review the new settings in the Diff Viewer table.

  • Click the Apply button.

Surround SCM

Surround SCM has built-in support for Araxis Merge. To set Araxis Merge as the default application for file comparison and merging:

  • Choose User Options… from the Tools menu.
  • Select the Diff/Merge tab.
  • Edit the settings for a selected file type.
  • Select Araxis Merge from the comparison application drop-down list.

Please see the Surround SCM website for more details.


svnX is an open source GUI for most features of the Subversion client. It has built-in support for Merge.

To configure svnX to use Merge:
  • Choose Araxis Merge as the Diff application in the svnX Preferences window.
  • Please be sure to read the svnX online help for information about setting-up svnX to work with Merge. At the time of writing, svnX requires the araxissvndiff command to be installed in a particular location. The command can be copied from the /Applications/Araxis folder to the required location.


TortoiseHg can be configured to use Araxis Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

To configure TortoiseHg to use Araxis Merge for file comparison:
  • Configure Mercurial to use Araxis Merge for file comparison, as described in the Mercurial section.

  • Choose Preferences from the TortoiseHg menu.

  • Select TortoiseHg in the list on the left.

  • In the Visual Diff Tool drop-down field, choose arxdiff.

  • Click OK to apply the changes and close the TortoiseHg Settings window.

To configure TortoiseHg to use Araxis Merge for file merging:
  • Configure Mercurial to use Araxis Merge for file merging, as described in the Mercurial section.

  • Choose Preferences from the TortoiseHg menu.

  • Select TortoiseHg in the list on the left.

  • In the Three-way Merge Tool drop-down field, choose araxismergetool.

  • Click OK to apply the changes and close the TortoiseHg Settings window.


Tower is a client for Git that can be easily configured to use Araxis Merge as its preferred comparison and merging tool. The following instructions have been tested with Tower v1.5.0.

To configure Tower to use Merge:
  • Open Tower’s Preferences window.
  • Select the Git Config tab.
  • Choose Araxis Merge in the Preferred Diff Tool and Preferred Merge Tool drop-downs.


Veracity is an Open Source, distributed version control and bug tracking system for Windows, macOS, and Linux. SourceGear, the company behind Veracity, has helpfully provided the information here.

Veracity supports Araxis Merge out of the box for both diff and merge operations. Simply use --tool araxis with any command that supports external comparison or merging tools. Alternatively, you can configure Merge as your default tool for various operations as described below.

For support using Veracity with Araxis Merge, please see

To make Araxis Merge the default interactive comparison tool for text files:
vv config set filetoolbindings/diff/:text/gui araxis
To make Araxis Merge the default interactive comparison tool for binary files:
vv config set filetoolbindings/diff/:binary/gui araxis
To make Araxis Merge the default interactive merging tool for text files:
vv config set filetoolbindings/merge/:text/resolve araxis
To make Araxis Merge the default interactive merging tool for binary files:
vv config set filetoolbindings/merge/:binary/resolve araxis


The Versions client for Subversion can be easily configured to use Araxis Merge. The following instructions have been tested with Versions v1.2.2.

To configure Merge as the Versions comparison tool:
  • Open the Preferences window within Versions.
  • Choose Araxis Merge from the File Comparison drop-down field.