TextComparison Object

This object represents a text file comparison window. The window isn’t necessarily visible on screen and can be used either to perform file comparison services for a client, or to present file comparisons on the screen to the user.

Use the methods and properties exposed by this object to perform text file comparisons, extract results, and to alter the appearance of a text file comparison window.

Information Once the comparison represented by this object is closed, the handler for the Close event provides the final opportunity to access methods and properties. Accessing them after this time will result in an error.



The active state of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Active([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Active([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean Active[get, set]


Provides a count of the unresolved conflicts in all files in the comparison.

IDL [propget] HRESULT AllUnresolvedConflicts([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 AllUnresolvedConflicts[get]


Normally, if Merge is closed when some modified files are unsaved, it will ask the user whether those files should be saved (unless the PromptForUnsavedFiles property is set to false, in which case any unsaved files will be discarded). However, if AutoSaveOnClose is set to true, Merge will automatically save any unsaved files without prompting the user. This feature can sometimes be useful when integrating Merge with other applications.

IDL [propget] HRESULT AutoSaveOnClose([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT AutoSaveOnClose([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean AutoSaveOnClose[get, set]


The number of lines in a change.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ChangeLength(
    [in] long nChange,
    [in] long nSide,
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_ChangeLength(
    Int32 nChange,
    Int32 nSide,
    Object nFilePair)
  • nChange
    Specifies the change (0 based) for which the number of contained lines is required. This value should be in the range 0 to NumberOfChanges-1.
  • nSide
    Specifies the left (0) or right (1) side of the change.
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return results for files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


The starting line number (0 based) of a change.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ChangeStartLine(
    [in] long nChange,
    [in] long nSide,
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_ChangeStartLine(
    Int32 nChange,
    Int32 nSide,
    Object nFilePair)
  • nChange
    Specifies the change (0 based) for which the starting line is required. This value should be in the range 0 to NumberOfChanges-1.
  • nSide
    Specifies the left (0) or right (1) side of the change.
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return results for files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


The type of a change. A change represents a block of inserted, removed, changed, or unchanged lines.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ChangeType(
    [in] long nChange,
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] ChangeStyle* pValue)
.NET ChangeStyle get_ChangeType(
    Int32 nChange,
    Object nFilePair)
  • nChange
    Specifies the change (0 based) for which the type is required. This value should be in the range 0 to NumberOfChanges-1.
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return results for files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


The error (if any) that was encountered by the Compare method.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ComparisonError(
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] FileComparisonError* pValue)
.NET FileComparisonError get_ComparisonError(
    Object nFilePair)
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return results for files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


The result (fcrSame, fcrDifferent, fcrError) of the comparison performed by the Compare method.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ComparisonResult(
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] FileComparisonResult* pValue)
.NET FileComparisonResult get_ComparisonResult(
    Object nFilePair)
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return results for files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


Provides detailed information about errors encountered while loading/comparing one of the files. If nFile is -1, then errors that applied to all three files (for example, out of memory errors) are returned.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ErrorInfo(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT ErrorInfo(
    [in] short nFile,
    [in] BSTR newValue)
.NET String get_ErrorInfo(
    Int16 nFile)
void set_ErrorInfo(
    Int16 nFile, String newValue)
  • nFile
    The file (0, 1, or 2) to get error information for. A value of -1 can also be specified to denote all files.


Enables the content a file panel to get set or retrieved.

IDL [propget] HRESULT FileContent(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT FileContent(
    [in] short nFile,
    [in] BSTR newValue)
.NET String get_FileContent(
    Int16 nFile)
void set_FileContent(
    Int16 nFile, String newValue)
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that contains the line.


The contents of a line within one of the files. The content includes CR and/or LF line ending characters.

IDL [propget] HRESULT FullLineData(
    [in] long nLine,
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
.NET String get_FullLineData(
    Int32 nLine,
    Int16 nFile)
  • nLine
    Specifies the line (0 based) whose data is required.
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that contains the line.


The length of a line within one of the files. The length includes CR and/or LF line ending characters.

IDL [propget] HRESULT FullLineLength(
    [in] long nLine,
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_FullLineLength(
    Int32 nLine,
    Int16 nFile)
  • nLine
    Specifies the line (0 based) whose length is required.
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that contains the line.


The height of the comparison window in pixels.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Height([out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Height([in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 Height[get, set]


The location of the left edge pixel coordinate of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Left([out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Left([in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 Left[get, set]


The contents of a line within one of the files. The content does not include CR and/or LF line ending characters.

IDL [propget] HRESULT LineData(
    [in] long nLine,
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
.NET String get_LineData(
    Int32 nLine,
    Int16 nFile)
  • nLine
    Specifies the line (0 based) whose data is required.
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that contains the line.


The length of a line within one of the files. The length does not include CR and/or LF line ending characters.

IDL [propget] HRESULT LineLength(
    [in] long nLine,
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_LineLength(
    Int32 nLine,
    Int16 nFile)
  • nLine
    Specifies the line (0 based) whose length is required.
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that contains the line.


The maximized state of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Maximized([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Maximized([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean Maximized[get, set]


The minimized state of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Minimized([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Minimized([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean Minimized[get, set]


Enables the modified state of a file to be set or retrieved.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Modified(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Modified(
    [in] short nFile,
    [in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean get_Modified(
    Int16 nFile)
void set_Modified(
    Int16 nFile, Boolean newValue)
  • nFile
    The file (0, 1, or 2) to get/set the modified state for.


The number of changes between two files. Use this property and the ChangeType, ChangeStartLine, and ChangeLength properties to iterate through the changes between the compared files. Note that the set of changes will include unchanged blocks of lines as well as removed, inserted, and changed blocks of lines.

IDL [propget] HRESULT NumberOfChanges(
    [in, optional] VARIANT nFilePair,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_NumberOfChanges(
    Object nFilePair)
  • nFilePair optional
    Specifies whether to return the number of changes between files 0 and 1 (when nFilePair = 0, the default) or files 1 and 2 (when nFilePair = 1).


The number of lines in one of the compared files.

IDL [propget] HRESULT NumberOfLines(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] short* pValue)
.NET Int16 get_NumberOfLines(
    Int16 nFile)
  • nFile
    Specifies the file in question (0, 1 or 2 for the first, second and third files respectively).


If a file comparison window containing modified files is closed, Merge will normally provide an opportunity to save them. Setting this property to false will prevent the Save Changes window from appearing. See also the AutoSaveOnClose property.

IDL [propget] HRESULT PromptForUnsavedFiles([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT PromptForUnsavedFiles([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean PromptForUnsavedFiles[get, set]


Enables the read-only state of a file to be set or retrieved.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ReadOnly(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT ReadOnly(
    [in] short nFile,
    [in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean get_ReadOnly(
    Int16 nFile)
void set_ReadOnly(
    Int16 nFile, Boolean newValue)
  • nFile
    The file (0, 1, or 2) to get/set the read-only state for.


The filename to use when saving changes (with Ctrl+S or other save command) in the text comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT SaveFileName([out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT SaveFileName([in] BSTR newValue)
.NET String SaveFileName[get, set]


Retrieves a collection of actions that need to be performed to merge changes from the first and third files into the central common ancestor file.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ThreeWayMergeActions([out, retval] IThreeWayMergeActions** pValue)
.NET ThreeWayMergeActions ThreeWayMergeActions[get]


The location of the top edge pixel coordinate of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Top([out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Top([in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 Top[get, set]


Provides a count of the unresolved conflicts in one of the files in the comparison.

IDL [propget] HRESULT UnresolvedConflicts(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_UnresolvedConflicts(
    Int16 nFile)
  • nFile
    Specifies the file (0, 1 or 2) that should be checked for unresolved conflict.


The comparison type (two way or three way layout).

IDL [propget] HRESULT ViewType([out, retval] FileViewType* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT ViewType([in] FileViewType newValue)
.NET FileViewType ViewType[get, set]


The visible state of the comparison window.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL newValue)
.NET Boolean Visible[get, set]


The width of the comparison window in pixels.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Width([out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Width([in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 Width[get, set]



Closes the comparison window.

.NET void Close()


Compares two or three files. This method is synchronous. A ComparisonComplete event is fired when the comparison is finished to report errors and results.

    [in] VARIANT strFirstFile,
    [in] VARIANT strSecondFile,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strThirdFile)
.NET void Compare(
    Object strFirstFile,
    Object strSecondFile,
    Object strThirdFile)
  • strFirstFile
    The fully qualified path to the first file
  • strSecondFile
    The fully qualified path to the second file
  • strThirdFile optional
    The fully qualified path to the third file


Compares two or three files. This method is asynchronous (returns before the comparison completes). A ComparisonComplete event is fired when the comparison is finished to report errors and results.

IDL HRESULT CompareAsync(
    [in] VARIANT strFirstFile,
    [in] VARIANT strSecondFile,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strThirdFile)
.NET void CompareAsync(
    Object strFirstFile,
    Object strSecondFile,
    Object strThirdFile)
  • strFirstFile
    The fully qualified path to the first file
  • strSecondFile
    The fully qualified path to the second file
  • strThirdFile optional
    The fully qualified path to the third file


Compares two or three files, using the specified encodings when loading the files. This method is asynchronous (returns before the comparison completes). A ComparisonComplete event is fired when the comparison is finished to report errors and results.

IDL HRESULT CompareAsyncWithEncoding(
    [in] VARIANT strFirstFile,
    [in] IEncoding* firstEncoding,
    [in] VARIANT strSecondFile,
    [in] IEncoding* secondEncoding,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strThirdFile,
    [in, optional] IEncoding* thirdEncoding)
.NET void CompareAsyncWithEncoding(
    Object strFirstFile,
    Encoding firstEncoding,
    Object strSecondFile,
    Encoding secondEncoding,
    Object strThirdFile,
    Encoding thirdEncoding)
  • strFirstFile
    The fully qualified path to the first file
  • firstEncoding
    The encoding to use when loading the first file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.
  • strSecondFile
    The fully qualified path to the second file
  • secondEncoding
    The encoding to use when loading the second file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.
  • strThirdFile optional
    The fully qualified path to the third file
  • thirdEncoding optional
    The encoding to use when loading the third file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.


Compares two or three files, using the specified encodings when loading the files. This method is synchronous. A ComparisonComplete event is fired when the comparison is finished to report errors and results.

IDL HRESULT CompareWithEncoding(
    [in] VARIANT strFirstFile,
    [in] IEncoding* firstEncoding,
    [in] VARIANT strSecondFile,
    [in] IEncoding* secondEncoding,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strThirdFile,
    [in, optional] IEncoding* thirdEncoding)
.NET void CompareWithEncoding(
    Object strFirstFile,
    Encoding firstEncoding,
    Object strSecondFile,
    Encoding secondEncoding,
    Object strThirdFile,
    Encoding thirdEncoding)
  • strFirstFile
    The fully qualified path to the first file
  • firstEncoding
    The encoding to use when loading the first file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.
  • strSecondFile
    The fully qualified path to the second file
  • secondEncoding
    The encoding to use when loading the second file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.
  • strThirdFile optional
    The fully qualified path to the third file
  • thirdEncoding optional
    The encoding to use when loading the third file, or 0 (null NULL) to use the default encoding.


Gives control over the lifetime of the comparison window to the user. Merge will not automatically close the window when outstanding automation references are released.

IDL HRESULT GiveUserControl()
.NET void GiveUserControl()


Prints the file comparison.

    [in] VARIANT_BOOL bShowPrinterDialog,
    [in] PageOrientation nOrientation)
.NET void Print(
    Boolean bShowPrinterDialog,
    PageOrientation nOrientation)
  • bShowPrinterDialog
    Defaults to false. Whether to show the printer dialog to the user before printing.
  • nOrientation
    Defaults to poLandscape. Whether to print in portrait or landscape mode.


Recompares the files displayed in the window. This will cause any unsaved changes to be discarded.

.NET void Refresh()


Generates a report for the file comparison.

    [in] BSTR bstrReporter,
    [in] LineEndingStyle nLineEndingStyle,
    [in] BSTR strOutputFile)
.NET void Report(
    String bstrReporter,
    LineEndingStyle nLineEndingStyle,
    String strOutputFile)
  • bstrReporter
    The short-name of the reporter that should be used to generate the report. Valid names are xml, html, htmlslideshow, and diff. Please note that not all reporters support the generation of three-way comparison reports.
  • nLineEndingStyle
    The type of line-ending to use in the generated report file(s).
  • strOutputFile
    The name of the output file for the report. If the reporter generates more than one file, those files will have names based on this one.


Generates a report for the file comparison.

    [in] BSTR bstrReporter,
    [in] LineEndingStyle nLineEndingStyle,
    [in] VARIANT vtEncoding,
    [in] BSTR strOutputFile)
.NET void Report2(
    String bstrReporter,
    LineEndingStyle nLineEndingStyle,
    Object vtEncoding,
    String strOutputFile)
  • bstrReporter
    The short-name of the reporter that should be used to generate the report. Valid names are “xml”, “html”, “htmlslideshow”, and “diff”. Please note that not all reporters support the generation of three-way comparison reports.
  • nLineEndingStyle
    The type of line-ending to use in the generated report file(s).
  • vtEncoding
    The character encoding to use for the generated report. It can either be a code page number, or one of the following strings: UCS2 (Unicode UCS2), UCS2-BE (Unicode UCS2 big endian), UTF8 (Unicode UTF8 with byte-order marker), UTF8-NOBOM (Unicode UTF8 without byte-order marker), UTF7 (Unicode UTF7).
  • strOutputFile
    The name of the output file for the report. If the reporter generates more than one file, those files will have names based on this one.


Restores the comparison window from minimized or maximised state to its normal resizable state.

.NET void Restore()


Saves the comparison to a file. We recommend that you use the .cmp7 extension in the filename.

IDL HRESULT SaveComparison(
    [in] BSTR filename)
.NET void SaveComparison(
    String filename)
  • filename
    The name of the file to which the comparison should be saved.


Saves the file in the nFile panel. If the strSaveTo argument is provided, Merge performs a Save As to the specified file.

    [in] short nFile,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strSaveTo)
.NET void SaveFile(
    Int16 nFile,
    Object strSaveTo)
  • nFile
    The file (0, 1, or 2) to save.
  • strSaveTo optional
    An optional file name to use when saving the file.


Prompts the user to save the file in the nFile panel with a new name.

    [in] short nFile)
.NET void SaveFileAs(
    Int16 nFile)
  • nFile
    The file (0, 1, or 2) to save.


Sets the titles shown above the file panels.

IDL HRESULT SetPanelTitles(
    [in] VARIANT strFirst,
    [in] VARIANT strSecond,
    [in, optional] VARIANT strThird)
.NET void SetPanelTitles(
    Object strFirst,
    Object strSecond,
    Object strThird)
  • strFirst
    The title for the first file panel.
  • strSecond
    The title for the second file panel.
  • strThird optional
    The title for the third file panel.


Merges the two outer files in a three-way comparison into the central common ancestor file. The number of merging conflicts encountered during the merge is returned.

IDL HRESULT ThreeWayMerge([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 ThreeWayMerge()



The file comparison window was closed by the user.

.NET void Close()


Occurs when a file comparison completes. For comparisons between two files, only the first two arguments are defined. For comparisons between three files, all four arguments are defined.

IDL HRESULT ComparisonComplete(
    [in] FileComparisonError error1,
    [in] FileComparisonResult result1,
    [in, optional] FileComparisonError error2,
    [in, optional] FileComparisonResult result2)
.NET void ComparisonComplete(
    FileComparisonError error1,
    FileComparisonResult result1,
    FileComparisonError error2,
    FileComparisonResult result2)
  • error1
    The error, if any, that occurred during the comparison of the first and second files.
  • result1
    The result of the comparison between the first and second files.
  • error2 optional
    The error, if any, that occurred during the comparison of the second and third files.
  • result2 optional
    The result of the comparison between the second and third files.