
A serial number is required to activate Merge. You may also provide additional information, though this is optional.

Information The information you provide in this window will be sent securely to Araxis, along with the product name and version number. **This is the only information that the current version of Araxis Merge sends to Araxis.**

Serial number

Please enter your Merge serial number into this field. If you do not have a serial number, or if you have misplaced it, please see How to Get a Serial Number.

Information Serial numbers are 53 characters long including colons (for example, `EV/MKAAA:AEA]/fS2:6d+9PEcr:utsZNOWV:oytDhTVO:4aE*Xb6E`). These serial numbers are difficult to type accurately by hand, so we strongly recommend that you **copy and paste your serial number** from your purchase confirmation email or from the product About dialog whenever you need to enter it.

Licensed user (optional)

Please enter your name into this field.

Organization (optional)

If your serial number was purchased for you by a company or organization (normally your employer), please enter the organization’s name into this field.

Email (optional)

Please enter your email address into this field. Your email address will be used by Araxis only to associate you with your serial number for product support purposes (if you misplace your serial number, for example). You will not receive emails as a result of providing your email address here.

Register Araxis Merge product for all users on this computer

Araxis Merge normally stores registration information in the Windows Registry on a per-user basis. This means that each user on a computer needs to enter a valid serial number when they use Merge for the first time. Check this option if you would like to to avoid this by using the same registration information for all users of this computer.

This option should be checked if you are intending to use the Araxis Merge Automation API from a background system service (e.g. Internet Information Services).