IHostConfig Interface

This interface is implemented by Merge and enables a plugin file system component to store/restore configuration information. File system components can store/restore named values. Names are specific to each file system component and cannot be read/written by other file system components.



Provides read/write access to a named double (floating point) value.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Double(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [out, retval] double* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Double(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [in] double newValue)
.NET Double get_Double(
    String strKeyName)
void set_Double(
    String strKeyName, Double newValue)
  • strKeyName
    A name for the double-value.


Provides read/write access to a named long (signed 32-bit) value.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Long(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Long(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 get_Long(
    String strKeyName)
void set_Long(
    String strKeyName, Int32 newValue)
  • strKeyName
    A name for the double-value.


Provides read/write access to a named string value.

IDL [propget] HRESULT String(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT String(
    [in] BSTR strKeyName,
    [in] BSTR newValue)
.NET String get_String(
    String strKeyName)
void set_String(
    String strKeyName, String newValue)
  • strKeyName
    A name for the double-value.